Pal Zileri

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Pal Zileri


Classic: a style whose history reaches into the present. A tradition that is able to adapt to modern times. A sign of character that tunes into the tastes of different generations and cultures.

The classic style is an ideal based on elegance for the Gruppo Forall - Pal Zileri, but it is also a market strategy. Up-dating this style in order to maintain ties with the past, yet avoiding to distort its standards, is the mission that has always been pursued by the Pal Zileri brand.

The company has, for thirty-five years, combined modern production logics - in terms of industrial and competitive strength - with attention to quality, a principle that has kept the culture of Italian hand-worked tailoring intact. Pal Zileri operates out of Quinto Vicentino, in Northeast Italy, and has become a well-known label in over 70 nations.

The quantities, speed, service and sales force are those of an international concern whose sights have been set for some time at an international level. Professional ethics, passion and skill, create garments that constantly and faithfully interpret the style of their customers: these are the qualities that characterise a business vision that aspires to the excellence that comes from a tailor's workshop.

The key to Pal Zileri's success lies in the balance of these two elements: a brand that fully expresses Italy's dominance and confidence in the classic fashion sector.

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