The simply stunning Freya Rose signature Mother of Pearl heel is a one of a kind feature available on a select number of shoes in the bridal range including ‘Della Sky’, ‘Tahiti Boudoir’ and ‘Aide’.
The heel is a mosaic of beautiful high quality mother of pearl, where each piece is hand cut and individually applied by craftsmen making every heel unique. This subtle and luxurious feature makes the shoes one of a kind and compliments most bridal looks.
The Mother of Pearl heel has proven to be a massive hit with brides in all seasons. Not only is this iridescent heel an exquisite feature to the shoe, it is incredibly practical. Mother of Pearl is an extremely strong and resilient shell and these robust properties make it extraordinarily sustainable. Unlike with normal ivory bridal satin, this heel cannot be easily ruined and is a great feature for a bride who will spend part of their wedding on grass, as the heel can not be stained.
All Freya Rose bridal shoes are dyable and the Mother of Pearl heel also looks vivacoius when the shoes are dyed, creating a fabulous evening shoe! The signature pieces such as the Mother of pearl heel are exclusive, putting Freya Rose in a league of their own.