Sleep In Rollers To Match Everyone's Hair Colour

Sleep In Rollers: Ever wonder how Kate gets her gorgeous locks looking so perfect every time?  Well now your hair can look as good as a Princess’ with Sleep-In Rollers – the latest hair product which has caused a storm in the beauty market with both celebrities and the public this year.

Kate Middleton Curled Hair Style
Kate Middleton Curled Hair Style
Kate Middleton Curly Hair
Kate Middleton And Her Curly Hair
Kate Middleton With Long Curly Hair
Kate Middleton With Long Curly Hair

These simple and yet hugely effective rollers are designed to flatten like a sponge rollers meaning you can put them in right before you go to sleep to create perfect ‘royal’ locks when you wake up!

Sleep In Rollers
Sleep In Rollers
  • Available in pink and black, blonde and brunette there is a roller to match everyone’s hair colour. Retailing at just £17.95 for 2 sets of rollers and available from, looking like a princess just got easier!