Tips on hiring a wedding planner

wedding-plannerThe best wedding planners get booked far in advance, so look into booking one sooner rather than later.  If you have already selected your venues, their wedding coordinators may be able to refer you to wedding planners.  If not, professional organisations also offer a referral system.

Wedding planning services may vary from planner to planner, The types of service wedding planners offer include:

Full-service planning, this is where the planner works with you from the beginning, assisting you with finding a venue, setting your budget, sourcing suppliers.

Or the month of, this is when the planner organises all of the work you have done into a complete wedding day itinerary.  They come into the picture about two months before your wedding day to ensure everything is running on smoothly.

Or the day of, if you hire a wedding planner for this, you are expected to finish all the details and create your own itinerary.  The wedding planner with then uses the information you give to direct the rehearsal and guide you and your groom through your wedding day.

Click here to see some of the best luxury wedding planners