Wedding Season is here and obesity is an ongoing issue in the United States. The Bride-to-Be always wants to look her very best on her wedding day. The way you look at food has a lot to do with your diet. In order to lose weight, you must change your relationship with food and the way you look at yourself.
Dr Wayne Andersen founder of Taking Shape For Life has provided the following 9 tips to help prepare brides for their wedding day and change their relationship with food.

- First, write down your current reality…where you are right now in your body and mind. Then look ahead to where you want to be in your body and mind… more energy, eating healthy, feeling great, metabolically fit? Write it down in your journal.
- Examine and challenge your basic beliefs about foods that are holding you back from getting down to your desired weight and health.
- Redefine yourself as someone who eats healthy and exercises regularly. Imagine a “new you” and begin to “be” that person.
- Stop using foods for non-nutrient purposes and learn other ways to cope with stress.
- Allow yourself to grieve over the loss of your unhealthy eating habits and then let it go!
- Eat only at planned meal times and planned snack times.
- Don’t focus on the scale and start focusing on healthy behaviour and lifestyle.
- Let go of the “I wish I were thinner” comments and work to make you the best you can be. No comparing allowed!
- Write down your goals for where you want to be in 3 months, 6 months, and 1 year. Keep a daily journal.
For more details see
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