A New Way Of Buying Diamond Jewellery

UK online diamonds and jewellery e-commerce site diamondsfactory.co.uk has unveiled a new look and theme, presenting a new way of buying customised diamond jewellery.

Bespoke Engagment Rings

“WE LOVE DIAMONDS” is the theme of the site, allowing shoppers to design their own piece of diamond jewellery.

Diamond Factory

The new site is faster and easier to use. Real time customisation is now possible, allowing customers to select the design of their jewellery and immediately see how their designs will look. The entire catalogue of the site has also been updated with a wide range of brand new jewellery designs for 2014/2015, including wedding, engagement and eternity rings as well as diamond earrings and pendants.

Diamond Engagement Ring
And for the first time, the same online experience is also being offered to customers visiting the Diamonds Factory lounge in London. Based in Hatton Garden, the lounge allows customers to look and try on real jewellery before deciding on what designs to purchase.

Diamond Engagement Rings

These new designs and functions within the Diamonds Factory website have been made after extensive user experience and usability studies over the past six months, in line with customer feedback.

Whatever your budget or style preference, Diamonds Factory has diamond jewellery to suit. And all products are sourced and manufactured with the highest ethical codes of conduct.