The Eco Wedding and Green Wedding Ceremony

Wedding Tree Favours
Wedding Tree Favours

Sustainability is becoming a byword more and more these days, what with the concern over global warming and the melting ice-caps, so it is hardly surprising that sustainability is creeping into wedding preparations as well as into every other corner of our lives. What began as a niche facet of concern has now gained momentum and green weddings are now becoming mainstream, eco-chic and, instead of being looked upon as unusual, ethical wedding resources are very much the in-thing.

Wedding Venue

The wedding venue is probably the easiest choice to make. Hotels and other up-market locations are quite expensive so, if your budget doesn’t stretch that far and you don’t want to be married in a church then the only solution left is to get married in your local registry office. Many of them nowadays have been decorated to look lovely and most can be reached by public transport so they are a good solution for an eco-friendly wedding.

Wedding Invitations

The recycled card is readily available from companies such as Eco Craft who are able to provide a good selection of paper, card and envelopes. A search of the internet is bound to come up with plenty of other ethical paper companies as alternatives. When it comes to printing your wedding invitations, this is an easy matter nowadays with so many computer programs and software available to produce professional looking designs. If you are computer savvy you can always put together a website so that guests can RSVP you directly to your website, from where they can also find directions to your wedding venue and reception as well as information about local public transport.

Wedding Attire

One of the best places I know, to find wedding attire and maintain your ethical stance, is Oxfam Bridal Stores. If

Wedding Tree Favours
The Wedding Garden Company

you go onto their website you can easily find the location of these particular stores and, if there is not one in your area it is well worth you taking the train to the one nearest to you. If you are lucky, and their stock is quite extensive, you may be able to find the dress of your dreams: a wedding gown that original cost more than £1,000 being sold at Oxfam Bridal for just £250. Another supplier of the eco-chic wedding gown is Organic Weddings; another is a website called Ethical Weddings. They are both worth visiting.

The Rings

The subject of ethical rings could fill a book all by itself. The most sustainable option would be to choose antique rings or rings that are second hand. There does seem to be a lot of superstition surrounding the wearing of wedding rings that belonged to somebody else. Again, however, the subject is so convoluted it could easily fill a book. As such, I am just not going to go there. However, you could take a look at John Clive Jewellers online to find a selection of second-hand wedding rings. Another site to look at is Todd Reed on altered space gallery dot com: this store stocks conflict-free raw diamonds as well as recycled gold and recycled diamonds, amongst other jewellery items. Another two places to take a look at would be and


I hope this has whetted your appetite for planning a sustainable eco-wedding. Although there is a lot more information that could be included, a lot has had to be left out due to constraints of space. However, further articles will deal with more on this subject – from flowers and food which are each a subject by themselves to how to plan the best eco-friendly wedding reception.